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Artificial Intelligence (AI): Tools and Resources

Impact on Teaching and Learning

The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on teaching and learning is profound and continues to evolve. Here are some key ways in which AI is influencing education:

  • Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: AI-driven chatbots can assist students with queries and administrative tasks, offering real-time support and enhancing the overall learning experience.

  • Content Recommendation: AI algorithms can suggest additional study materials, resources, or learning activities based on a student's performance and preferences.

  • Data Analysis: Instructors can use AI to analyze student data, identifying trends, patterns, and areas where additional support is needed. Early intervention can lead to improved outcomes.

  • Adaptive Learning Platforms: AI-powered adaptive learning systems adjust the course content based on individual progress, providing more challenging material for advanced students and additional support for those who are struggling.

  • Language Translation: AI can assist international students by providing real-time translation services for course materials and discussions, breaking down language barriers.

  • Accessibility: AI can make course materials more accessible by providing alternative formats, such as text-to-speech or speech-to-text capabilities, benefiting students with disabilities.

  • Simulations and Virtual Labs: AI-powered simulations and virtual labs enable students to engage in hands-on learning, particularly useful in science and engineering fields.

  • AI in Research: AI is enhancing research capabilities by aiding in data analysis, literature reviews, and even generating research hypotheses based on existing data.

  • Mentorship and Assistance: AI can provide 24/7 support, ensuring students have access to help when needed, even outside traditional working hours.

  • Ethics and Bias Education: AI's ethical implications and potential biases are important topics for students to understand, fostering discussions about responsible AI development and use.

While AI has many benefits, it's essential to address potential challenges and ethical considerations, such as bias in algorithms, data privacy, and the need for human guidance and oversight. As AI technology continues to advance, its impact on teaching and learning is likely to become even more profound, offering both opportunities and challenges for educators and students.


AI in the Classroom

AI Teaching Resources
From TTU's Teaching, Learning, & Professional Development Center

AI-Generated Content in the Classroom: Considerations for Course Design
From Illinois State University's Center for Integrated Professional Development

Considerations for AI Tools in the Classroom
From Columbia University's Center for Teaching and Learning


Further Reading: Faculty Resources

The Future of Higher Education - The Rise of AI and ChatGPT on Your Campus
Calhoun, V. (2023, May 23). NASPA Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education.

How Will Artificial Intelligence Change Higher Ed?
Chronicle of Higher Education (2023, May 25).

ChatGPT Advice Academics Can Use Now
D'Agostino, S. (2023, January 11). Inside Higher Ed.

Why Professors Are Polarized on AI
D'Agostino, S. (2023, September 13). Inside Higher Ed.

Early thoughts on regulating generative AI like ChatGPT
Engler, A. (2023, February 21). The Brookings Institution.

Why I'm excited about ChatGPT
Young, J. (2023, May 11). Inside Higher Ed.


Scholarly Articles

Teachers’ AI digital competencies and twenty-first century skills in the post-pandemic world
Ng, D. T. K., Leung, J. K. L., Su, J., Ng, R. C. W., & Chu, S. K. W. (2023). Teachers’ AI Digital Competencies and Twenty-first Century Skills in the Post-pandemic World. Educational Technology Research and Development, 71(1), 137–161.